Crewsaver Lifejackets & Bouyancy Aids
We stock a large range of Crewsaver Inflatable Life Jackets,if you do not see the model you require please call 01536516779 for a stock up date.
How to make the right Lifejacket Choice.
The decision as to which Lifejacket you should perchase depends very much on the style,location and conditions of boating that you inted on doing.
All Crewsaver Lifejackets are designed and manufactured to distinct set of British and European guidelines and regulations.These are in place to ensure that the difference between products classified as Lifejhackets and those classified as Bouyancy Aids are clearly defined.
The most noticeable factor is the bouyancy rating(measured in Newtons).A Lifejacket must have a bouyancy rating of 100Nor more.
The crewsaver range of life jackets is split into four distinct catagories:275N Inflatable which includes the 290N and 275N range,150 Inflatable which includes both the 190N and the 150N ranges,150N Air Foam and 100 Foam Lifejackets.
Crewfit 165N Manual With Harness
Crewfit 165N Sport Auto With Harness
Crewfit 165N Sport Manual
Crewfit 165N Sport Non Harness Auto
Crewsaver Spiral 100N Lifejacket.Size Adult; Small,Medium,Large,X Large
Crewsaver Spiral 100N Lifejacket.Size Baby, Child,Large Child,Junior.
Crewsaver Supersafe 150N With Harness Size Baby & Child